Laptop HDD vanished, upon reparing SSD vanished! Lame Bantering
BMW! Bungee! Monoshock! Wheel! Relatable?
Laptop bagged and tied with bungee chord to the bike backseat. Made a countryside eid journey in off-road (supposed to be paved asphalt road in paper, some portions including tunnel access road, albeit the next ctg-coxs alternative expressway!!).
Along with my aggressive riding and typical of Lifan’s monoshock, the laptop paid the price.
Couldn’t boot, yet I was unfazed. I assumed correctly.
What did I do?
edited the fstab (fedora).
Solution sort of, but now I only have the boot drive. Extended giga storage gone yet it was there, underneath the laptop keyboard.
And there was no precision un-screw set accessible.
“You always fancied salvage build for apocalypse” (its a thing now, a strong community is growing these days), I thought.
I had what I needed at minimum, what was the bare minimum to respawn things, and that is the boot drive.
Days later, and I got a screw driver set. Unlocked the laptop case, “repaired” the HDD, hit boot button.
Grub Rescue! Now the boot drive is gone! So that was waiting for me? Wow!
Nothing to panic I used to know. Why grub couldn’t see the SSD I didn’t now.
Got to list the drives, I noted not just one, but hundred giga storage of two!
I know
Grub in a sense pranking me,
bugs that devs failed to see!
Grub why did you mess with configured boot priority?
Told bios to reorganize boot list, no serendipity,
And I got back all storage and booted with serenity!