Minhajul Anwar's Blog

Create a documentation site with github-pages, jekyll and just-the-docs theme

2021, Jul 14    

Assuming you installed Ruby and Bundler first. Check the prerequisite section here if you haven’t already

Go to the directory you want to keep the site in. For example, I will be putting in docs. Now create jekyll site with jekyll new . This created a jekyll site in the current directory.

Open the Gemfile that jekyll created.
Comment out the line that has gem "jekyll". So that it looks like #gem "jekyll"
Specify just-the-docs theme by adding this line in Gemfile: gem "just-the-docs".
Close the Gemfile.
Open _config.yml and set theme in the line: theme:minima to theme:just-the-docs
execute: bundle or bundle update
Optionally, make other changes in the _config.yml file for values like title, email, description, url, baseurl, twitter_username, github_username etc.
Close the _config.yml file.
Test the site with bundle exec jekyll serve
