Key Features
Import leads CSV file to create list. Select the list when creating a outbound voice campaign. Got a csv file with millions of numbers? No problem.
Make the CallerID of the campaign calls to look familiar and friendly. Purchase callerid numbers of the area suitable for the subscribers in the campaign
Customers can connect to agents directly by a keypress or at specific points in the IVR. You can assign agents in IVR or per campaign.
Create IVR application to define customer interactions and system actions. Actions can be based on speech recognition or digit press. Create IVR for outbound and inbound voice camoaigns.
Define actions for outbound voice campaign when calls are picked by answering machines. Numbers can be unsubscribed or you may like to drop a message before hanging up.
Speech recognition is a very powerful tool in parsing user response. It makes the IVR interactions more friendly and easier to engage in. This especially comes handy for agencies enrolling people to their packages.
Voice campaigns can be outbound and inbound. For outbound campaigns, you create it with a list, along with time boundary for when to run and finish by. Campaigns can be paused or stopped anytime while running.
Nobody likes to be bothered at their personal times. Specify campaign hours for suitable time and subscriber timezone are detected from numbers and applied accordingly. Currently supported for US numbers only.
After campaign ended, detailed stats data are available to download in csv format. This comes in handy to inspect the campaign calls turnover, list numbers, IVR interactions and responses, machines count etc and much more. Virtually no limit on what data to be in the report.
Admin interface is very powerful and provides tons of filters and search fields. You can pull the data you need, monitor call progress on live, check campaign stats quickly or manage users etc.
You can seperate users in groups with different permission levels. At default, two user levels are implemented. Backoffice staff or team members and managers. Managers can be authorized special permissions while staffs look over operations and monitoring. There is a superadmin for complete authority over authorization and others.
Credits are consumed against transfer ie. call connect with agents. A fixed number of credits allocated by admin for a time period. After exhaust of the credits, any running campaigns are paused automatically and remains until next recharge. This is designed to protect over expenditure for very big campaigns.
The system can be deployed in containerized environments like Docker, Heroku/Dokku, Kubernetes, Linux container(LXC) etc. Container based isolation helps in better utilization in small to medium scale workloads and migrations.
Call rates are controlled by the transport provider and also depends on available server resource. We have iterated over tons worker optimizations for efficient resource handling. We have component decoupling strategies to cope for medium to high load scenerio.
There are tons of more features to list. Also the system is under active developnent and testing. We are working hard to keep up the customer feedback and bring support for more core technologies. Contact developer if you are thinking about callcenters.
Supported Technologies
Twilio voice API is integrated to provide voice transport, machine detection and speech recognition. On top of that, we inplemented our own tested algorithms to strengthen machine dtectiona and vocabulary support. Twilio also provides very flexible options in CallerID purchase and costing report.
We added Plivo api support for cost savvy customers as for Plivo's cheaper planning.
Tropo API provided by Cisco, provides very powerful call handling features and machine detection.
We are working on vicibox server to bring a feature packed friendly UI provided by the ivrworks. Contact us to get notified on updates.